4 Figure DMs




  If there was a way to be regularly closing sales in the DMS… 

Without tapping into constant TIME CONSUMING ACTIVITIES LIKE…  

🥶 Cold DM Outreach

😴 Following up with people everyday 

 🙅🏻‍♀️ Commenting on other peoples posts

😬 Tracking Leads

😅 Sales calls 

🧑🏼‍💻 Expensive Ads


Would you finally feel …

😁 Excited to show up in your business knowing you're getting paid for your freaking time time?

Would you rather feel like those 4 figure days are inevitable rather than those intangible/unrealistic expectations in your business you keep holding for yourself?

TRUTH: I regularly and effortlessly sell offers in the DMS for $27-$10k

I do not do market research calls, clarity calls orrrr whatever people are naming their calls these days (masking them as sales calls) and have not done them in the last 2 years and my income has grown like 200%...

But lets make ONE THING CLEAR. 

There was a time when I struggled to sell a $99 offer in the DMs AND I was doing ALL of the above…

If you have been running down the rabbit hole of 100s more followers = more cash months, AND you've been wondering why you haven't hit your goals yet… you'd be wrong 🙅🏼‍♀️

If you guessed having a perfectly organized lead tracker to the point where you need to hire a full time assistant to navigate the complexity and time behind managing it to hit high cash months… you'd be wrong 🙅🏼‍♀️

If you thought doing more free speaking events, free strategy calls, collaborations, etc. without getting paid would get you there- you'd be wrong 🙅🏼‍♀️

They are not a necessary part of your high cash days from DM sales equation... when you understand how to create content that DRIVES people into your DMs, and have a framework for leading them from a simple flowy convo to client... 💸

In this program i teach you exactly HOW: 

🤸🏽‍♀️ To regularly have people reaching out to you  in the DMs so you can have those 4 figure conversations in the first place. 

🤑 How to sell different offers at different price points - low ticket- mid ticket and high ticket in the DMs effortlessly. (with example conversations on how these conversations are different.)

🤯 How to regulate yourself when you do get a DM so you don't verbal word vomit everything about your program and scare anyone away with the logistics... 

🥳 Embody the frequency of an empowered sales convo and what that MEANS.

💸I'm going to walk you through my 200k sales convos, examples and how to actually use them ( framework) etc. 

I am going to be teaching you what to say through every step of the frame work... 😲

You are going to get access to my personal framework, recorded video lessons, with access to my documents / resources/ tools and templates on what to say being dripped out and one live Q&A call to go over your specific mindset challenges, ego blocks and challenges you've had that have gotten in the way of closing any level of sales in the DMs, an opportunity to speak about your business specifically and apply these teachings to your DMS 🤩.

You can bring in examples of convos you have had, but also  how to get specific support in getting people to send you the DMs in the first place !

When you truly master a repeatable system, being able to trust that you're going to have a flow of DM convos to be able to sell to, this is when your business is truly scalable. 

Because spending hours on tracking leads and being on sales calls and following/ unfollowing, and commenting on other peoples posts, that is NOT scalable.

Are you ready to build a scaleable and sustainable business through HEARTLED convos, and highly converting content? 


$555.00 USD


Add The SALES REVIVAL LIVE group coaching program coming Early 2024...

Revive your relationship with sales and blow your income goals out of the water💦 through a passionate, fun, unique approach that no one is teaching you... 

for only $237 😱 - Regular price $555